your advantages

product information
Optimize your training plan with a comprehensive genetic analysis. Find out what your risk of sports injuries is. Which positive excesses your genotype shows in sports such as endurance or weight training .
The analysis also tells you which diet is best for you in order to minimize sports injuries, among other things. And which promotes your regeneration after your training sessions.
Do you know what your aerobic capacity (VO2max) and lactate threshold are? They provide you with important information about your performance and endurance. People with a high lactate threshold are usually more resistant to enormous exertion and are able to endure it continuously without symptoms of fatigue.
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Muscle Damage and Recovery
Sore muscles after training? After a long workout you destroy your muscles. This muscle damage naturally leads to a desired inflammatory response . which promotes tissue growth. However, overusing the muscle can cause damage. Which should be avoided by a regenerative break.
Everyone needs an individual rest phase between training sessions in order not to destroy the muscle build-up. Depending on the genotype, this is an individual matter.
As an athletic person, it's important to know what muscle damage and recovery profile you have. Not that there are still serious injuries.

Fat loss in response to exercise
Find out if your fat is being used as an energy generator. With regular training, the fatty tissue oxidizes and is used to generate energy. This results in an improved metabolism. And fat burning is promoted . Weight loss occurs.
An expression helps you minimize the risk of health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure and cancer.
Depending on your genotype, you may have a higher or lower response to fat loss.
How the analysis works...

DNA-Varianten erklärt.

Are You Building Muscle Effectively?
Your genetics make the muscle build. Training and the right diet are responsible for 70% of your muscle building. Have you ever thought about your genetic predisposition? Every genotype is different, and so is the tendency towards pronounced musculature.
It is important for you to know how your body reacts to strength training. Do you find it easy to build muscle? Or have you been training for a long time and hardly showing any results?
The genetic deficits can be corrected . Among other things, a balanced diet with sufficient intake of proteins and carbohydrates helps.
And an intensification of your training.
In the DNA fitness analysis you will receive important information that will help you build muscle . To get the most out of training and your body.
Konnte Dir bisher ein Fitness-Coach sagen, inwiefern Deine Genetik darauf ausgelegt ist, Muskeln aufzubauen?
Ich denke, die Antwort ist klar »keiner«, die DNA-Fitness-Analyse allerdings schon.

Personalized DNA analysis results report
You can view your personalized result permanently in our portal. You can see exactly which enzymes have been tested. Concrete recommendations are also available in the test result.
You will receive a detailed explanation for each individual section.

Your data is safe with us!
No worries! Your data is safe with us and will not be passed on to third parties.
Your sample will be tested in a safe and controlled laboratory. And will be destroyed immediately after the evaluation.
Your contact details are only available to selected and verified people. In addition, your data is cryptically encrypted and makes it impossible to intercept the data. This will ensure the best security for you.
We strictly adhere to the guidelines of the GDPR.
In addition, each process is protected by encryption.
frequently asked Questions
Here you will find the most important questions about the DNA fitness analysis.