How we managed to free our Paco effortlessly from his allergies and intolerances.

Paco turned 8 today. But we almost didn't get to celebrate his birthday. 😔

The reason was that he had a severe case of food intolerance.

Severe stomach cramps, diarrhea and sore skin gave my Paco a lot of trouble.

But I quickly knew how to help myself. Through a friend from the dog school I knew where I could quickly do an intolerance test.

And the best part is, I don't even have to run to the vet.

I didn't hesitate for long and immediately ordered a feed intolerance test from GenoLine.

After 3 days the lovely postman brought me the test. I just had to take a saliva and hair sample from my Paco.

And sent the sample back to the lab the same day.

After a few days, the result landed in my inbox as promised.

This time Paco got it right.

He reacts allergically to 27 feed substances. 😫

I was stunned.

I did everything I could to ensure his diet was super healthy and balanced.

Among other things, he reacted to turkey, which really amazed me.

He had actually always tolerated it well.

Well, I didn't have time to think, I went to the nearest pet store and bought food that largely didn't contain any of the feed ingredients.

A few days later, after I changed Paco's diet. We already noticed that he was recovering step by step. 🤗

3 weeks have finally passed and Paco is doing really well again.

Luckily we were able to celebrate his birthday as usual.

So that I never have to see Paco suffer like that again, I decided to do this. And of course with advice from the GenoLine experts to do an intolerance test every 6 months.

I can really recommend the test if you want to protect your four-legged friend from the painful symptoms.

The service is first class and the intolerance test is really good.

If you would like to know more, you can find out more about the feed check here:

👉 products/futtermittel-check-hund?variant=42523308589234

By the way, almost everyone from my dog ​​school takes the test

We have become real GenoLine fans. 😀

Many thanks to the GenoLine team.

Best regards

Ann Katrin Wesel