Feed check dog
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Der Futtermittel-Check hält Deinen Hund gesund.
Der Futtermittel-Check wurde konzipiert, um die Unverträglichkeiten von deinem Hund gegenüber Futtermitteln aufzudecken.
Mittels des Ergebnisses lassen sich die Futtermittel gezielt aus der Ernährung ausschließen, die eine negative Belastung bei Deinem Hund hervorrufen.
Das umschließt so gut wie alle Stoffe, die in der Hundenahrung vorkommen können.
Deine Vorteile:
✅ Du deckst mit nur einem Test die Unverträglichkeiten/Allergien deines Hundes auf und verkürzt gleichzeitig die Ausschlussdiät (falls diese gerade durchgeführt wird)
✅ Schließe die negativ belasteten Futtermittel aus der Ernährung deines Hundes
✅ Einfach von zu Hause aus testen und das Ergebnis per E-Mail erhalten
✅ Verbessere die Gesundheit deines Hundes – und befreie ihn von seinen schmerzhaften Symptomen
✅ Vergreife Dich nicht im Futterregal: Erkenne genau welches Futter für Deinen Hund das Richtige ist anhand des Ergebnisses
Varianten einmal erklärt.

This is what the result looks like.
Just click on the link to find out which substances are tested in the feed check.
Das sagen unsere Kunden über den Futtermittel-Check
Da mein Welpe von Anfang an schlechte gegessen hat, und irgendwann nach einigen Monaten ein rotes Gesicht und rote Ohren bekommen hat, habe ich mich entschlossen, den Futtermittelunverträglichkeit zu machen. Der Test hat einen guten Überblick über die Futtermittelunverträglichkeit gegeben, so dass es jetzt meinen Hund um einiges besser geht.
Futtermittel Check Hund
Die Unterlagen kamen prompt, die Auswertung wurde innerhalb der zugesagten Zeit zugestellt und war gut verständlich aufgelistet. Diese habe ich dann an meinen Futterhersteller weitergeleitet der dann entsprechend Futtermischungen anbieten konnte.

Wet or dry food for dogs - which diet is the right choice for my dog?

frequently asked Questions
Questions about the feed check? Here you will find the answers.
- Hautprobleme:
- Juckreiz, Rötungen, Hautausschlag
- Haarausfall, kahle Stellen
- Lecken oder Beißen an bestimmten Körperstellen, besonders an den Pfoten und Ohren
- Ohrenentzündungen
- Magen-Darm-Probleme:
- Durchfall oder weicher Kot
- Erbrechen
- Blähungen
- Häufiges Bauchgrummeln
- Husten, Niesen
- Atembeschwerden (seltener)
- Verhaltensänderungen:
- Unruhe/p>
- Lethargie/p>
- Reizbarkeit aufgrund von Unwohlsein/p>
- Chronische Infektionen:
- Wiederkehrende Ohren- oder - -Hautinfektionen/p>
GenoLine Liquid-Checks - The way to a healthy diet with wet or dry food for the dog!
The most important element for a healthy, vital and long dog life is and remains nutrition. Whether wet or dry food for the dog - nutrition is the key to almost everything that is important for your dog.
If the dog suffers from intolerances, diarrhea, inflammation, itching, lack of agility or a dull coat, this is usually due to the diet.
Warning signs that you, as a responsible dog owner, are sure to pay attention to. Industrially produced wet or dry food for dogs & Co.
usually meets the minimum requirements for nutrients, including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, trace elements and minerals, but these requirements are simply not sufficient for many dogs.
In addition, many of the ingredients and additives used in wet and dry food for dogs & Co. cause allergies or intolerances, which can also make life difficult for your dog.
Decide in advance to make sure which components in the dog's wet or dry food are suitable for your darling and which should be avoided.
With our GenoLine Liquid-Checks for dogs, after years of intensive development, a qualitative product series is available that takes this fact into account and offers you a high-quality analysis option to meet the nutritional needs of your dog.
Both variants, i.e. wet or dry food for dogs, certainly have their advantages and disadvantages in connection with nutrition, but what is decisive is which ingredients or foods your dog really tolerates. This simple aspect of balanced and healthy dog nutrition is at the forefront of development work at GenoLine, which is a matter close to our hearts.
With us you will find products for the well-being of people as well as for the needs of animals. When you look at our online portal, you will find that our product development and experienced know-how is based on the interaction of competent employees, doctors, nutritionists and therapists.
An expertise that you can trust. You can find out more about us on our website. Whether you use wet or dry food for your dog's nutrition - find out now how you can prevent health problems.
Wet or dry food for dogs - liquid check tests in the focus of animal welfare!
If you look at the product portfolio in the GenoLine Liquid-Check dog area, you will find that our specific test procedures include the most important factors of dog nutrition. Wet or dry dog food contains so many components that require an extremely complex analysis.
GenoLine's dog feed check ensures this high standard and narrows down almost 350 ingredients in feed that can play an important role for your dog in an individually tailored diet.
With the evaluation and the findings of the test, depending on the product variant you have selected, you will receive all the information you need to select the best possible wet or dry food for your dog. In addition to the different feed check versions, you can also consider the advantages of a bundle, in the course of which other problems that may arise with your dog can also be clarified.
In wet or dry food for dogs & Co., numerous additives are present in a number of manufacturing processes, which aim to extend the shelf life, intensify the smell or color of the food and change the qualitative properties of the food. What doesn't sound so dramatic at first glance poses problems for many dogs with tolerability.
The GenoLine feed additive check examines the most common substances added to feed and gives you the certainty of whether your dog can tolerate them without any problems. Regardless of whether you choose wet or dry dog food, important micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals should be available in sufficient form to strengthen your dog's immune system over the long term.
With the micronutrient check dog from GenoLine, you get essential clarity about the current status of your animal and recognize deficiencies at an early stage, which you can compensate for. With other products such as the GenoLine Allergy Check or the Dog Barf Check, you can determine other important factors for dog nutrition. So you see, whether wet or dry food for the dog - that doesn't play such a specific role in the field of dog nutrition. The fundamental questions of which ingredients in the food your dog tolerates and which are safe for him are of much greater importance.